What terrific material. Thank you so very much

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An excellent summary of "...a system that is by design created to merge the public and private sectors into one homogenous entity...", using manufactured crises to consolidate its power and control.

I call the system "liberal-fascism": rule by a corporatist oligarchy, behind a false front of liberal democracy. In the US, the central committee is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its network of corporations, foundations, and NGOs which has controlled the govt and media since WW2. See charts: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations are CFR "partners", and many of their execs are members. This includes BlackRock, Exxon, Lockheed, Pfizer, Google and Facebook. See lists: https://www.cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

CFR members on the "Biden team" include Blinken, Yellen, Austin, Mayorkas, Burns, Zients, Greenfield, Powell, and dozens more. Zients, a former Facebook director who was Biden's "covid coordinator" during the vax rollout, is now his chief-of-staff.

To understand the "anatomy" of this system and how it developed, the CFR network is an excellent place to start. The connections are endless.

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Thank you. I coined the term "bureaucratic superstate" to refer to the conglomeration of the corporate-government blob into one homogenous entity and can be read in my article "Iatrogenic Shudras"

I did not explicate further on this phenomenon to keep preserve readability and since I'd already expounded on this previously.

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